Saturday, June 4, 2011

Human Body Unit

This Human Body Unit from First Grade Tips and Tricks is fabulous!


Ms. Morgart said...
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Ms. Morgart said...

I am moving to second grade this year as well! I taught first grade for 11 years and am looking forward to a new challenge! Look forward to sharing the adventure :)

Anonymous said...

I am also moving to second grade this year from teaching first. There appears to be a trend happening. haha
Thanks for all the resources! I just came across your blog today and was very excited!


blair wells said...

I look forward to following your blog as I think about asking to move to second grade next year. (IF there is an opening...) I love your new blog and look forward to viewing it. Good luck this year. I plan to come to one of your sessions to work on a new blog for my class this year. See you soon. :)